my story…
“Life was making it’s way along the road I expected, until one day I woke up and felt as though I could no longer breathe. It was as though someone had placed me in a straight jacket and I couldn’t get out… the worst of it was when I realised it was me, that I had placed myself in that jacket and suddenly my world changed…”

Over the years, I have always stayed true to one part of myself and that is my commitment to my path to healing. It began after I was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis in my late teens and has had more twists and turns that I could have ever imagined. Choosing to walk a path of alternative therapies alongside mainstream medicine to heal this part of my body, I have explored and trained in yoga, shamanism, energy therapies, bodywork and mentoring. These are tools that have helped me to heal and to surrender to the fluidity of life’s journey.
There is a very playful side to me that comes out with people I know and feel safe with. I love the mysticism, mythology and the magic of Ireland and the stories of old. I believe in fairies and witches and god’s and goddess’s and in the blessing of a rainbow and all the gold it bestows by shining its light on the land. I have a huge love of the ocean, of the bright stars and full moon shining on a clear night, the fierceness and wild winds of the west, the stillness and secrets of a burning fire sharing its stories, and the energy of the earth as she supports humanity and all living beings here on the planet. Nature is our gift that keeps on giving, showing us the way when we pause and listen, and teaching us about ourselves.
Singing, dancing, painting, reading, writing, moving, embodying life and breathing in the beauty around me are at the heart of my being and I am grateful every day for the gift of being part of life at this time no matter how challenging. We are in a truly unique time in history and it is important to keep remembering;
“We are unaware of what sweet miracles may come”

The most beautiful people we have known are those who have known defeat, known suffering, known struggle, known loss, and have found their way out of the depths. These persons have an appreciation, a sensitivity, and an understanding of life that fills them with compassion, gentleness, and a deep loving concern. Beautiful people do not just happen.”
— Elisabeth Kübler-Ross